姓名:张国良(Guoliang Zhang)
电子邮箱:zgl@gdut.edu.cn / zgl054@126.com
1 个人简介
张国良,男,1990年生,中共党员,广东工业大学青年百人A类高层次人才,特聘副教授,硕士生导师。从事结构-多介质(流体、饱和两相和固体介质)相互作用抗震分析理论、新型数值方法——比例边界有限元法及其应用研究。主持国基金青年项目和博士后面上项目,参加国家级重大和重点项目多项。发表高水平 SCI 论文20余篇(其中,第一作者或通讯作者论文13篇,均为JCR 一区论文),包括CMAME、IJNME、AMM、EABE、TUST、SDEE、OE、CG等国际期刊论文。取得计算机软件著作权2项。
2. 教育与工作经历
2024.02-至今, 广东工业大学,岩土所,特聘副教授
2022.01-2024.01,清华大学,水利系,助理研究员(合作导师:王进廷 教授)
2017.09-2021.11,北京工业大学,工学博士(导师:赵密 特聘教授)
2014.09-2017.06,北京工业大学,工学硕士(导师:张小玲 教授)
3. 学术兼职
[1] 中国地球物理学会韧性减灾专委会委员
[2] 中国岩石力学与工程学会会员
[3] 国际SCI期刊Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering、Engineering undefinedysis with Boundary Elements等审稿人。
4. 主要荣誉
[1] 中国岩石力学与工程学会优秀博士论文奖
[2] 中国交通运输协会科学技术奖一等奖
[3] 北京市普通高等学校优秀毕业生
[4] 博士、硕士研究生国家奖学金
[5] 北京工业大学优秀博士、硕士学位论文
5. 期刊论文
[1] Guoliang Zhang, Mi Zhao*, Xiuli Du, Junqi Zhang. Time-domain scaled boundary perfectly matched layer for elastic wave propagation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2023; 124(18): 3906-3934. (期刊封面论文)
[2] Guoliang Zhang, Mi Zhao*, Junqi Zhang, Xiuli Du. Scaled Boundary Perfectly Matched Layer (SBPML): A novel 3D time-domain artificial boundary method for wave problem in general-shaped and heterogeneous infinite domain. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2023; 403: 115738.
[3] Guoliang Zhang, Mi Zhao*, Junqi Zhang, Xiuli Du. Prismatic-element SBPML coupled with SBFEM for 3D infinite transient wave problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2024; 101: 117014.
[4] Guoliang Zhang, Mi Zhao*, Junqi Zhang, Jinting Wang, Xiuli Du. Scaled boundary perfectly matched layer for wave propagation in a three-dimensional poroelastic medium. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2024; 125: 108-138.
[5] Junru Zhang, Mi Zhao Guoliang Zhang*, Junqi Zhang, Xiuli Du. 3D acoustic scaled boundary perfectly matched layer (SBPML) for acoustic-structure interaction problems. Engineering undefinedysis with Boundary Elements. 2024; 164, 105765.
[6] Xiaoling Zhang, Chengrui Liu, Piguang Wang, Guoliang Zhang*. Experimental simulation study on dynamic response of offshore wind power pile foundation under complex marine loadings. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2022; 156: 107232.
[7] Guoliang Zhang, Mi Zhao*, Jingqi Huang, Xiuli Du, Xu Zhao. A substructure method for underground structure-dry soil-saturated soil-bedrock interaction under obliquely incident earthquake and its application to groundwater effect on tunnel. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2021; 111: 103864.
[8] Guoliang Zhang, Piguang Wang, Mi Zhao*, Xiuli Du, Xu Zhao. Seismic structure-water-sediment-rock interaction model and its application to immersed tunnel analysis under obliquely incident earthquake. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2021; 109: 103758.
[9] Guoliang Zhang, Mi Zhao*, Piguang Wang, Xiuli Du, Xiaoling Zhang. Obliquely incident P-SV wave scattering by multiple structures in layered half space using combined zigzag-paraxial boundary condition. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2021; 143: 106662.
[10] Guoliang Zhang, Mi Zhao*, Xiuli Du, Xiaoling Zhang. A frequency-dependent absorbing boundary condition for numerically solving u-U elastic wave equations in layered and fluid-saturated porous media. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2020; 135: 106189.
[11] Guoliang Zhang, Mi Zhao*, Xiuli Du, Xiaoling Zhang, Piguang Wang. 1D finite element artificial boundary method for transient response of ocean site under obliquely incident earthquake waves. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2019; 126: 105787.
[12] Mi Zhao, Guoliang Zhang, Piguang Wang*, Xiuli Du, Xiaoling Zhang. An accurate frequency-domain model for seismic responses of breakwater-seawater-seabed-bedrock system. Ocean Engineering. 2020; 197: 106843.
[13] Piguang Wang, Guoliang Zhang, Mi Zhao*, Renqiang Xi. Semi-analytical solutions for the wave-induced and vertical earthquake-induced responses of a fluid-stratified seabed-bedrock system. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2020; 139: 106391.
6. 科研项目
[1] 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,52208484,比例边界完美匹配层方法及其在土-结构相互作用抗震分析中的应用,2023~2025,30.0万元,在研,主持
[2] 中国博士后科学基金,面上项目,2022M721882,沉管隧道抗震整体分析方法及其工程应用,2022~2024,8.0万元,在研,主持
[3] 广东工业大学青百A类科研启动项目,263113968,2024~2028,20.0万元,主持
[4] 国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,52338001,重大工程结构(群)-场地多物理耦合抗震高效仿真关键技术与软件,2024~2028,300万元,参与(5/10)(项目主持人:赵密)
[5] 国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,52339007,坝址最大可信地震危险性及高混凝土坝灾变机制,2024~2028,300万元,参与(5/10)(项目主持人:王进廷)
[6] 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发项目课题,2022YFC3004303,大坝工程复合链生灾害风险评估方法,2022~2025,300万,参与(4/10)(项目主持人:杜修力,课题主持人:王进廷)